What Marie’s
clients are saying
Reduced meetings by 25 %
We noticed initial signs of stress and had to identify ways to free up time, gain better focus, and prioritize our commitments.
By the end of this process with Marie and timewellspent, we all had clarity, a concrete plan of action and fewer meetings to attend.
Stress preventing habits
With these new tools we now have a much better collective understanding of how to prevent stress and what to do instead.
Many of these new tools are already well-integrated into our daily work-life and we see significant changes.
Much better balance between career and family
My to-do list was constantly flooded and I had the feeling of never accomplishing what I needed to.
Now my life has changed. This process with Marie made significant changes already from the first meeting.
Purposefull meetings with our Eight new Meeting Principles
Today this manifesto ‘Our Eight Meeting Principles’ helps us ensure that we are moving away from autopilot and on to a more reflective approach.
We now carefully consider why, when, what, and who we meet with.
A new set of tools – that really stick
We now have a defined set of tools on how to handle our challenges with back-to-back meetings and insights on how to structure our days for an ultimate feeling of accomplishment and success.
What Marie’s clients are saying
Upcoming book release!
Interested in learning more about the Happy High Performance agenda? Sign up on the "Interested-list" for my upcoming book below and be the first to get access:
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